Meaningful Mommy

Making Moments Meaningful site

Writing just to write…

on December 28, 2014

Blogging was at first a nice stress release for me, writing just for fun, connecting, sharing and learning from others…Then I began to feel pressure, from myself to become “better”, write higher quality posts (even though I am not a writer), post more like a “professional blogger”, also which I am not. All of this stress I created in my head. I read many amazing blogs posted on huff post, here in WordPress and posts that pop up in my news feed on Facebook, and I began to think, “what am I even doing”…I began to feel embarrassed about my writing and my ideas.

Anyway I’m here to say that I have decided to give my ego a much-needed kick in the pants. Today some of my close mom friends came over to create vision boards, which I love by the way. This activity always helps me to think clearer about what I want my life to feel like. Stress is not my friend, and I am usually the one who creates it for myself. Funny how we seem to often get in our own way isn’t it?

This is a reminder to myself that this isn’t a competition about who writes more, or better, or who posts labeled beautiful pictures that I often see on others blog posts. So here’s to me writing for fun, writing for me and writing because it releases stress (as long as I don’t get in the way) 😉

4 responses to “Writing just to write…

  1. Good on you!! I need the same kick myself. Cant wait to read what comes next!

  2. It is never a competition my dear friend. Have always cherished your encouragement as a friend and fellow blogger..
    Blessings to you and your loved ones in 2015.

Thoughts?? :)